Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) is offering rebates to Commercial customers who purchase and install Level 2 EV charging stations at their non-residential service address. This rebate offers up ...
Access Energy provides a rebate to residential customers installing a Level 2 EV charger at their home. Customers may receive up to 50% of the cost of charger, up to $250.
Peninsula Clean Energy's EV Ready Program is a $28 million electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure program seeking to install 3,500 charging ports in San Mateo County over four years. Eli...
ConEdison PowerReady Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Program provides business and municipal customers with installation and funding support for the installation of approved Level...
The Residential EV Driven sub-program provides customers installing a Level 2 EV charger at their residence up to $7,000 in make-ready rebates. Customers may also receive on-bill credit for off...
Efficiency Works offers incentives to commercial customers of Fort Collins Utilities for Level 2 EV charger installations. Customers may receive up to $5,000 per charging port for Level 2 insta...
Rocky Mountain Power is offering an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan (EVIP) that provides rebates for customers that make EV charging available at their non-residential property or Multi-Un...
Business and Multi-Family Properties within Portland General Electric's (PGE) service territory may be eligible for Utility and Customer-side make-ready funding up to $17,000 per port. Customer...
Chugach Electric Association offers electric vehicle (EV) charging incentive programs to promote the use of EVs in Alaska. Chugach will provide a $200 credit, per Level 2 charger, at residentia...
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association offers business customers a $500 rebate per Level 2 electric vehicle charging port installed. Customers are allowed to claim a rebate for up to ...