


Palais des Festivals, Cannes

MIPIM 2025 in Cannes is the world's leading property exhibition, offering a platform for innovations in sustainable architecture, urban development and digital transformation. For ChargePoint and the real estate industry alike, the exhibition opens up opportunities, as the integration of charging infrastructure is increasingly becoming a central component of modern property projects to promote sustainability and value enhancement.

MIPIM 2025 in Cannes is the world's leading property exhibition, offering a platform for innovations in sustainable architecture, urban development and digital transformation. For ChargePoint and the real estate industry alike, the exhibition opens up opportunities, as the integration of charging infrastructure is increasingly becoming a central component of modern property projects to promote sustainability and value enhancement.

Le MIPIM 2025 à Cannes est le salon immobilier leader mondial, offrant une plateforme pour les innovations en matière d'architecture durable, de développement urbain et de transformation numérique. Pour ChargePoint et l'industrie immobilière, le salon ouvre des opportunités, car l'intégration d'infrastructures de recharge devient de plus en plus un élément central des projets immobiliers modernes pour promouvoir la durabilité et l'augmentation de la valeur.

  • Rejoignez Adam Hart lors du panel de Property Week sur "Green Returns: The State of Sustainability ROI in 2025", aux côtés de Deepki et du WGBC.
  • Retrouvez Sven Meder pour des perspectives sur l'intégration de la recharge des véhicules électriques dans les portefeuilles immobiliers dans la région DACH et au-delà.

Die MIPIM 2025 in Cannes ist die weltweit führende Immobilienmesse und bietet eine Plattform für Innovationen in nachhaltiger Architektur, Stadtentwicklung und digitaler Transformation. Für ChargePoint und die Immobilienbranche gleichermaßen eröffnet die Messe Chancen, da die Integration von Ladeinfrastruktur zunehmend ein zentraler Bestandteil moderner Immobilienprojekte ist, um Nachhaltigkeit und Wertsteigerung zu fördern.

  • Treffen Sie Adam Hart beim Property Week Panel zum Thema "Green Returns: The State of Sustainability ROI in 2025", zusammen mit Deepki und WGBC.
  • Sprechen Sie mit Sven Meder für Einblicke zur Integration von Ladeinfrastruktur in Immobilienportfolios in der DACH-Region und darüber hinaus.

Flotte! Der Branchentreff 2025

Messe Düsseldorf, Stand A50

Die Messe "Flotte! Der Branchentreff" ist Deutschlands führende Plattform für Fuhrparkmanagement und betriebliche Mobilität. Mit über 300 Ausstellern, Fachvorträgen, Workshops und einem Fokus auf Themen wie Elektromobilität, Digitalisierung und nachhaltige Mobilitätskonzepte bietet sie eine ideale Gelegenheit zum Netzwerken und Wissensaustausch für Branchenexperten und Entscheidungsträger.

Unsere Vorträge:

  • Ohne Kopfschmerzen zur E-Flotte: Der nächste große Schritt in Lade- und Flottenmanagement (Sven Meder, 26.3.)
  • E-Flotten im Griff: So sichern Sie maximale Einsatzbereitschaft bei minimalen Kosten (Uwe Münch, 27.3.)

Power2Drive 2025

Messe München

Hall B6, Stand 111

Power2Drive Europe is an international trade fair for charging infrastructure and e-mobility, focusing on the integration of electric vehicles, intelligent charging infrastructure and renewable energies. It provides a platform for innovation and exchange in e-mobility and is part of the largest platform for the energy industry, The smarter E Europe.

Hall B6, Stand 111

Power2Drive Europe is an international trade fair for charging infrastructure and e-mobility, focusing on the integration of electric vehicles, intelligent charging infrastructure and renewable energies. It provides a platform for innovation and exchange in e-mobility and is part of the largest platform for the energy industry, The smarter E Europe.

Hall B6, Stand 111

Power2Drive Europe est un salon international dédié aux infrastructures de recharge et à l'électromobilité, axé sur l'intégration des véhicules électriques, des infrastructures de recharge intelligentes et des énergies renouvelables. Il offre une plateforme d'innovation et d'échange dans le domaine de l'électromobilité et fait partie de la plus grande plateforme de l'industrie énergétique, The smarter E Europe.

Hall B6, Stand 111

Die Power2Drive Europe ist eine internationale Fachmesse für Ladeinfrastruktur und Elektromobilität, die sich auf die Integration von Elektrofahrzeugen, intelligenter Ladeinfrastruktur und erneuerbaren Energien konzentriert. Sie bietet eine Plattform für Innovationen und Austausch in der Elektromobilität und ist Teil der größten Plattform für die Energiewirtschaft, The smarter E Europe.

MOVE 2025

ExCel, London

MOVE is a leading international trade fair and conference for mobility and transport, bringing together industry leaders to shape the future of transportation. The event will feature a presentation on Home Charging/DMS (Joe Gorman) and a panel discussion (with Anthony Desousa) on the financial incentives behind CPOs and Landowner deals, highlighting innovative solutions and business models in e-mobility and charging infrastructure.

MOVE is a leading international trade fair and conference for mobility and transport, bringing together industry leaders to shape the future of transportation. The event will feature a presentation on Home Charging/DMS (Joe Gorman) and a panel discussion (with Anthony Desousa) on the financial incentives behind CPOs and Landowner deals, highlighting innovative solutions and business models in e-mobility and charging infrastructure.

MOVE est un salon professionnel et une conférence internationale de premier plan dédiés à la mobilité et aux transports, rassemblant les leaders de l'industrie pour façonner l'avenir du transport. L'événement comprendra une présentation sur la recharge à domicile/DMS (Joe Gorman) et une table ronde (avec Anthony Desousa) sur les incitations financières liées aux accords entre opérateurs de points de charge et propriétaires fonciers, mettant en lumière des solutions innovantes et des modèles économiques dans l'e-mobilité et l'infrastructure de recharge.

Die MOVE ist eine führende internationale Fachmesse und Konferenz für Mobilität und Verkehr, die Branchenführer zusammenbringt, um die Zukunft des Transportwesens zu gestalten. Die Veranstaltung wird eine Präsentation über Home Charging/DMS (Joe Gorman) und eine Podiumsdiskussion (mit Anthony Desousa) über die finanziellen Anreize hinter Vereinbarungen zwischen Ladepunktbetreibern und Grundstückseigentümern beinhalten, wobei innovative Lösungen und Geschäftsmodelle in der Elektromobilität und Ladeinfrastruktur hervorgehoben werden.

Events We've Previously Attended


MAPIC - The international retail property market event

Cannes, France / Palais des Festivals

The leading international event gathering the retail property, leisure, food and tech communities.

Euro Bus Expo

Birmingham, UK / NEC

Booth: #119
Speaker: Uwe Munch

Visit the event to discover new ways to move your business forward from industry-leading manufacturers and suppliers to the bus and coach industry.

Sonepar Partnertreff

Vienna, Austria / Marx Halle

Booth: #108 
Partners Meeting.

Expo Real

München, Germany / Messe München

Booth: #TB23, Hall A3 

It is the most important trade fair for the real estate industry and therefore offers a fully comprehensive overview of developments, topics, innovations and solutions in the real estate industry. In this way, it provides the necessary orientation in a time of upheaval.

Les Rencontres Flotauto

Lyon, France / La Sucrière

Booth: #C38
Speaker: Andreas Blin "How to organize the management of recharges?" Time: 15:45-16:45

Meet our speaker on stage as well! 
The trade show for professional vehicle management and mobility solutions.

EV Infrastructure & Energy Summit

London, UK / Novotel London West

Booth: #18 
Speaker: Joe Gorman will be on stage giving a presentation

The summit will now encompass all facets of the charging and energy infrastructure needed to accelerate the EV transition. Our audience of charge point operators, installers, and manufacturers, fleet owners, local authorities, utilities, DNOs, PV and energy storage suppliers, and destination charging locations.

NECA 2024

San Diego, CA

Booth: #1331

Still the undisputed leader in the electrical construction industry, the NECA Show continues to grow. Tap into an unequaled pool of highly qualified electrical professionals who are actively looking for products, technologies, equipment, and solutions at the industry’s largest event in North America.  Each year, NECA invites the entire industry to see the newest products and services, talk with company execs, and compare competitive products to find the right solution that benefits their firm’s efficiency and profitability. 

The NECA Show is where leaders of the $202 billion electrical construction industry convene each year to discuss the ever-changing, ever-growing, business climate.  Year over year, our attendees’ scope of work continues to expand with more power, light, and communication technology opportunities across the U.S. and beyond.  The evolution in electrical construction is happening here.


Paris, France / Pavillon Chesnaie du Roy

For this 6th edition, in the colors of the Paris Olympic Games, the Supplier Event is taking place at the Pavillon Chesnay Du Roy. Join us for a day marked by meetings with our partners and exciting exchanges, all in an idyllic setting just outside Paris.

Power2Drive (Part of bigger exhibition - The smarter E Europe)

München, Germany / Messe München

Booth: B6.111 (Hall B6, Booth №111)

Speaker: June 19, 09:20 am - 09:35 am. Jayson Dong. 
Section: Interoperability Through Conformance Testing. 
Topic: Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Keys to Successful EV Charging Rollout in Europe?

The smarter E Europe – Europe’s Largest Alliance of Exhibitions for the Energy Industry “Accelerating Integrated Energy Solutions” – that’s the goal of The smarter E Europe, Europe’s largest alliance of exhibitions for the energy industry. The aim is to create a future-oriented energy world by shining a spotlight on renewable energies, decentralization and digitalization as well as cross-industry solutions from the electricity, heat and transport sectors for a sustainable 24/7 energy supply. The smarter E Europe brings together the four exhibitions Intersolar Europe, ees Europe, Power2Drive Europe and EM-Power Europe.


London, UK / ExCeL London

Booth: #65

Speaker: June 20, 14:45, Joe Gorman
Panel: The latest in tech: fast charging & ultra-fast charging networks

MOVE is the world's #1 tech mobility event, bringing together the people and companies redefining mobility.

MOVE connects the entire ecosystem focused on tech, business models and sustainable futures. Leaders and visionaries from across the mobility value chain gather for an unparalleled opportunity to learn, innovate, partner and do business.

We host executives from world leading CPOs, OEMs, fleet operators, governments and cities, battery manufacturers, transport operators, investors and utilities.

ACT Expo 2024


For more than a decade, ACT Expo has been uniting the transportation sector in its effort to reduce emissions from goods movement, the service industry, and passenger transportation, while also driving economic sustainability. This annual event offers attendees access to the latest technologies, services, and vehicles driving the transition to low- and zero-emission transportation solutions.

Featuring numerous product debuts and major industry announcements, ACT Expo provides fleet operators a unique opportunity to network with the organizations that are helping transform the commercial transportation sector.

Booth #3733

Flotte! Der Branchentreff

Düsseldorf, Germany

It is the major fleet event. Manufacturers, importers, leasing companies and service providers for commercial vehicle fleets meet fleet decision-makers with fleets of all sizes. It is a nationwide networking event for the fleet industry. Conceived by the trade magazine «Flottenmanagement» in cooperation with the Federal Association Vehicle Fleet, our editorial and trade fair advisory board, our event will be a little different: We will focus on the trade fair and the specialist program, with the emphasis on good industry discussions and networking.


Booth № F37

MIPIM - The Global Urban Festival

Cannes, France

We don't have a booth, but our team will be there.

It is the premier real estate event gathering the most influential players from all sectors of the international property industry.

Mobility Move: 15th VDV-​Electric Bus Conference and Exhibition

Berlin, Germany

Mobility Move is the largest conference and trade fair for public road-​based transport in Germany. Initially held as the "VDV Electric Bus Conference and Exhibition ElekBu", it gathers transport companies, industry experts, service providers, public authorities, politicians, associations, and trade media at a central location. The event focuses on the current state of the industry and features relevant discussions on its future. At mobility move, the industry exchanges perspectives on challenges, collaboratively promotes innovation, and shapes tomorrow's mobility. Examples include electric mobility, autonomous driving, and digitalisation.


Booth № 84

Klima- und Energiekongress

Düsseldorf, Germany

The long-term challenge posed by the climate crisis requires various adjustments to be made in the retail sector. A structured, long-term and consistent handling of the various adjusting screws can thereby grow into a major task. In order to keep the players up to date on the current topics and developments, especially in the field of corporate climate protection and energy management, the congress offers the right environment for exciting lectures and a diverse exchange among each other.

Fleet Summit

London, UK

Fleet Summit brings together operations professionals and key industry solution providers for the fleet sector, the summit consists of one-to-one business meetings, interactive seminars and valuable networking opportunities.

Inter Airport

München, Germany

Renowned as the leading one stop-shop event for the entire airport industry, inter airport Europe reflects the dynamic developments in the industry and the vision of the airport of the future. It is the first choice for airport operators when it comes to sourcing airport equipment, technology and services for ground handling, terminal operations, airport IT and airport design.



Orlando, FL

APTA EXPO is the public transportation industry’s long- standing, premier resource for advancing mobility systems through a robust showcase of the latest-breaking technologies, products, and services.

Find the solutions to increase and retain ridership, reinvent the rider experience, infuse technology to enhance convenience, improve security, transition to a more sustainable system, boost system-wide reliability, and beyond.


Booth #2930


Brussels Global EU

The event focuses on all aspects of the bus and coach industry, including components, software, future mobility, authorities and more. Exhibits over areas such as battery electric buses, autonomous buses, ticketing, interior design, fuel cells, HVAC and intercity buses. It is the biggest and most international exhibition.

Hall 9, Booth 937

CBRE London

London, UK

Event will be an invaluable opportunity to ‘reconnect’ and bring together our clients, supplier partners and CBRE (International commercial property management company) employees to realise our potential!​ We want to highlight the expertise of our supplier partners and through combining the talents of our teams, offer a world class service to our clients.