In December 2019, the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Division of Measurement Standards (DMS) finalized rules for measuring and verifying meter tolerance in electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. As of this month, ChargePoint is among the first EV charging companies to be awarded the California Type Evaluation Program (CTEP) approval for publicly accessible Level 2 charging stations. Among other things, CTEP approval ensures that drivers charging their vehicles at publicly accessible commercial charging stations will receive the amount of kilowatt (kWh) hours they’re paying for.
While all of our charging stations have met the meter tolerance requirements for some time, official certification solidifies ChargePoint’s commitment to building a robust set of networked solutions backed by software that focuses on the driver first and foremost. Compliance with these guidelines for charging stations means drivers and station owners can count on consistent, reliable functionality and an overall better experience. And that’s been our mission since we got started in 2007.
At ChargePoint, we believe consumers have a right to know what they’re paying for, and that’s why we helped draft the original guidelines adopted by the National Conference on Weights and Measures and why we’ve made sure our solutions can meet the California Electric Vehicle Fueling Systems Specifications. Looking beyond California, we'll promote adoption of similar regulations across the nation. These regulations are good for the industry and good for consumers alike.
So what does compliance entail?
ChargePoint solutions are in full compliance with the California Electric Vehicle Fueling Systems Specifications and comply with the following guidelines:
- Charging stations have received a safety certification by a nationally recognized testing lab.
- All publicly used commercial charging stations must include an easy-to-read user display.
- Pricing must be clearly displayed and easily understood.
- Stations must display voltage rating, type of current, and max power and temperature limits.
- Stations must display the quantity of electricity delivered.
The final DMS rules go beyond meter accuracy, even including a requirement that pricing policies clearly delineate between kWh charges, session charges and parking fees.
The following stations are exempt from the rules:
- Stations owned and operated by public utilities, public entities and municipalities
- Stations unavailable to the public (such as stations used in residential or workplace charging situations)
- Stations that dispense electricity as motor vehicle fuel at no cost to the consumer
- Stations that deliver wholesale electricity
All ChargePoint commercially available Level 2 AC stations in California are now properly labeled with the certification. County field inspectors will periodically conduct inspections to ensure our stations continue to be in compliance with meter tolerance requirements. And when counties start testing, they will visit our registered stations in the field, complete the testing and put a sticker on the station with a county seal similar to the gold stickers you see on gas pumps.
What it means for the EV charging industry
Consumers have a right to know what they’re paying for and confidence that fueling their electric vehicle is both safe and affordable. That’s why ChargePoint helped draft the original guidelines and why we wholeheartedly support the new California rules. We encourage everyone in the burgeoning electric fueling industry to help promote adoption of similar regulations across the nation and globally. They’re good for the industry and good for drivers and businesses.
Beyond California, other states, including Washington and Florida, are also exploring implementing a similar policy, and ChargePoint fully supports these efforts to ensure the driver has the safest, most reliable EV charging experience.
While the new rules took effect in early 2020 and apply to all new Level 2 charger installations as of Jan. 1, 2021, manufacturers have a little time to get existing Level 2 infrastructure as well as DC fast chargers certified. Here’s the official timeline for when chargers need to meet the requirements in California:
- Jan. 1, 2021: New Level 2 AC installations on or after this date
- Jan. 1, 2031: Level 2 stations installed prior to Jan. 1, 2021
- Jan. 1, 2023: New DC fast charger installations on or after this date
- Jan. 1, 2033: DC fast chargers installed prior to Jan. 1, 2023
To find out more, read the full text of the code here: