Help your EV fleet improve uptime and manage costs — learn how at ACT Expo

The Business of Charging |

ChargePoint at ACT Expo 2022

Fleet electrification is heating up, with commercial vehicles becoming available in greater numbers and more classes, and studies showing a reduced cost of ownership of 30% or more for electric vehicle (EV) fleets. Building on the momentum of model availability and cost savings, ChargePoint is leading the conversation about EV charging at ACT Expo and beyond.

From May 9 to 12, we’ll be at booth #1509 in Long Beach, California, exhibiting our comprehensive fleet solution that encompasses everything fleets need from concept to scale, including:

  • A comprehensive assessment to get you started
  • Design-build services that leverage our experience
  • Quality, tested charging hardware backed by expert support and maintenance
  • Integrated software to help your fleet stay charged
  • Financing options, including subscriptions
  • Assistance securing incentives and grants

For an idea of what to expect, check out Fleet Equipment’s visit to our booth last year but be prepared for even more.

Fleet EV charging software from ChargePoint

On the last day of the event, May 12, I’ll serve on a panel titled "Achieving Uptime and Managing Cost." Alongside other industry players, I’ll discuss opportunities to improve site connectivity, the realities of charging for commercial fleet operations, the importance of vehicle and charger testing, and software updates to ensure compatibility and uptime. I'll also share some highlights on vehicle-to-everything (V2X) bidirectional charging and its role in realizing revenue for site owners. If you’ll be attending, don’t miss the lively discussion, or stay tuned for a wrap-up here on the blog.

As always, ChargePoint is here to help fleets with their electrification plan from design to deployment. Book a meeting with us at ACT Expo or request a fleet assessment.

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